You’ll Be Fine Audio Play
A new commission between INK, The Pear Tree Fund and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Applied Research Collaborative (ARC) highlighting the importance of close relationships in helping us live well until we die and reducing the fear and stigma surrounding the end of life.
A worrying prognosis is not the only problem that troubles Lynda. The way her family digest the news proves almost as challenging.
You’ll Be Fine
Written by Jan Etherington
Music by Denis King
Ann Bryson
Flora Douglas
Hilary Greatorex
Rob Jarvis
Roderick Smith
Director/Producer: Paul Heiney and Roderick Smith
Funded by NHS Norfolk & Waveney Clinical Commissioning Group and NIHR ARC East England
The Pear Tree Fund, in collaboration with our partners is delighted to publish You’ll Be Fine, an audio play written Jan Etherington, as part of our Compassionate Communities work. It is hoped the play will support those who receive a life-changing diagnosis and their families, encourage and facilitate conversations around planning for end of life and help educate the wider public.

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