The Pear Tree Fund is looking for a new part-time Information and Advice Coordinator
Information and Advice Coordinator
£20,992 pro rata (£12,055 actual)
21 hours a week worked over three days
Closing date: 3pm on Wednesday 22 September 2021
Interview date: Monday 27 September 2021
The Information and Advice Coordinator leads on the delivery of information and advice to people accessing support from The Pear Tree Fund.
- Responsible for coordination of information and advice, including the training and management of volunteer delivery at the Pear Tree Centre and in the community.
- Development and coordination of digital inclusion support
- Support the delivery of all services through the Pear Tree Centre
- Community engagement: support outreach into the community to build partnerships and networks and raise awareness of services and support from the Pear Tree Fund
The Information and Advice Coordinator will work to the following approaches:
- Person-centred
- Strengths-based
- Outcomes-focused
The post is based at the Pear Tree Centre but also involves travel, visiting people at home and engaging groups in the community.
The Pear Tree Fund provides information, advice and holistic support to anyone with a life-changing illness or long-term condition who lives in East Suffolk and neighbouring parts of Mid Suffolk and South Norfolk, and to families and carers.
Our charity offers a wide range of holistic services from our tranquil and welcoming base at the Pear Tree Centre in the heart of Halesworth, a small market town in rural East Suffolk. Working closely with the voluntary sector, community groups and partner charities, we are able to put the right help in place to meet each individual’s and family’s needs. We pride ourselves on walking alongside people, offering local support when they need it the most.
For further information about this vacancy, please contact: Kevin Vaughan, Chief Executive Officer, by email or phone 07425 664615. Please leave a message with your name and number if your call is not answered and Kevin will contact you as soon as possible.
Please return completed applications by email to or post to Kevin Vaughan, Chief Executive Officer, The Pear Tree Fund, Pear Tree Centre, Bungay Road, Halesworth, Suffolk, IP19 8SG
Application Form | Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form | Information for Applicants